
It's about

damn time you

show up

We’re trying to make growing aesthetic practices a whole lot easier, quicker, less stressful and more fun for medical professionals.

Updated: May 14th, 2024



It looks like you like reading.


Or stalking. Or maybe a little bit of both.


We have no idea how you got to this website.


(Thanks to the homies over Apple and their pixel-killing crusade on privacy)


Maybe you read about us online…


Maybe you saw one of our scandalous Facebook ads.


Or maybe a friend told you about us.


If so, they should be given a box of soft-in-the-middle cookies.


Or a foot rub.




Your arrival is long overdue.


And now that you’re here.


Let’s not beat around the bush.


You’re here, reading these pretty little words because you’re hungry to grow your practice, not hear my life story.


So here’s the short version…

We Help Plastic Surgeon, med spas & dentists grow smarter, stronger, faster

VG Online Solutions is a small team of big talent, led by Jordan Velásquez.


And for the past 7 years, Jordan has been learning and practicing everything related to…


Digital marketing, paid advertisement, web development, and helping companies build their online presence and marketing strategies.


He was determined to learn how the online world works and how the big companies managed to get customers and sales over and over again so easily.


Finally, after spending about 20k+ on his own education with courses, consulting, and trying out what he learned in his own business in order to come to his own conclusions…


He managed to really understand what it takes to succeed online by investing $1 and getting $2, $5, $10, and even $100 in return.


This breakthrough came while collaborating predominantly with aesthetic practices.


Recognizing the unique needs of this sector, he refined the agency’s focus exclusively to serving medical practices within the aesthetic industry.


That’s why VGOS primary goal is to…

Be quick! FREE spots are almost gone for May

Help Physicians Get More Freedom, More Money And Build A Legacy

Stop spending your weekends worrying where you’ll get your next high-value patient.


We build, test and optimize patient acquisition machines for aesthetic practices like yours.


Our mission is to help you turn your unreliable, time-hungry vampire of a clinic into an automated million dollar patient getting machine.


Not to brag, but we aren’t just in a league of our own, we are the league — and we want you in it.

Be quick! FREE spots are almost gone for May